5 Reasons Why ALL Children Should Learn To Ride A Bike

5 Reasons Why ALL Children Should Learn To Ride A Bike

A YouGov Study in 2018 revealed that a fifth of children cannot ride a bike! n fact, a Sustrans survey showed only 2% of children use their bikes to get to school. Government-funded programmes such as Bikeability are improving the situation, with Primary school-aged...
How To Stay Active Over Christmas

How To Stay Active Over Christmas

A big concern over Christmas can be managing to not put on any extra weight. Christmas is known as a time for indulgence, the end of a year and beginning of a new one. The temptation to go out with a bang and vow to make a complete U Turn in January is very great!...
Active Christmas Gift Ideas For Children

Active Christmas Gift Ideas For Children

Here at Move More we are all about physical activity. Apart from the obvious benefits of developing motor skills, staying active and boosting mental health; it can also be quite a cost effective gift! When deciding on a toy its best to consider whether it … Encourage...